
Cristina Bucci

Curator of educational programmes at the Marino Marini Museum and other museums in Florence, she designs and develops educational initiatives to Italian artistic heritage, with the cultural association L’immaginario of which she is a founding member. In recent years, she has been deeply committed to museum programmes aimed at cultural and social inclusion and making art accessible to people with dementia, people with autism spectrum disorders and sensory disabilities. She teaches museum access programming in a post-graduate Master of the Institute for Art and Restoration Palazzo Spinelli and at the Postgraduate School for Art History, University of Florence. She is the project manager of the European project MA&A.

Luca Carli Ballola

Professional educator since 1989, he always considered the educational work going along with cultural activation of the social fabric.

In 2005 he begins to work as an activities coordinator at the old-people's home ‘Vincenzo Chiarugi’ in Empoli (Florence). In 2009 he opened the first Alzheimer's Cafe in Florence. The following year introduced in Italy the TimeSlips method. Since 2011 designs and runs art museum projects dedicated to people living with dementia, in collaboration with the educational departments of Palazzo Strozzi, Marino Marini Museum in Florence and other museums in Tuscany.

He’s a member of Anna association, aiming to create social networks that can be reference points especially for older people.

Gintarė Černikienė

Social Programmes Coordinator, Project Manager at VšĮ Žmogiškųjų išteklių stebėsenos ir plėtros biuras (Lithuania). Has 6 years experience implementing different national and European projects seeking to contribute to contribute to the positive changes in the lives, education and training of different marginalised society groups: social risk families, young people not in education, employment or training, people with disabilities, ex-offenders, elderly citizens, etc. Has prepared several training programmes for specialists (social workers, social workers’ assistants, teachers) working with disadvantaged groups to improve their competences.

Michael Ganß

Gerontologist, art therapist, artistic guidance, counseling and therapy of people with cognitive impairments, delinquent youth, seniors with mental illness, people with dementia. Implementation of international symposia for art therapy related to aging people and people with dementia. Editor of the magazine “Demenz -Das magazin". Campaigns to change perspectives on the issues of age and dementia. Lectureship at Medical School MSH Hamburg. Professional qualification for employees in the field of elderly care. Research with the focus on perception, communication, age and dementia. 2012-2015 Researcher in the project "Development of a model for social participation of people with dementia in the museum space" (ISER / MSH Hamburg).

Bairbre-Anne Harkin

Art educator with a particular interest in accessible programming, she has been Education Curator at Butler Gallery since 2011. Bairbre-Ann initiated a programme for people living with dementia at Dublin Contemporary 2011 and 2012, became a founding member of Azure, a collaborative partnership to explore the potential for greater participation of people with dementia in cultural settings in Ireland. As well as the on-going Azure at Butler Gallery, she has facilitated Azure programmes at The Turner Prize 2013; Municipal Gallery at DLR LexIcon; F.E. McWilliam Gallery and has delivered training throughout Ireland and Lithuania.

Asta Jaseliūnienė

Director, Social Worker, Project Manager at VšĮ Žmogiškųjų išteklių stebėsenos ir plėtros biuras (Lithuania). 17 years practical work experience of social work also as a social work organizer with people suffering from psychiatric disorders and living with mental disabilities, families at risks, unmotivated youth, abusers etc; 10 years experience coordinating international projects; 17 years experience of organizing and moderating national and international conferences; more than 17 years delivers training for social workers, social worker’s assistants, social work students, volunteers, youth who are not prepared for labour market. Also worked out and accredited programs for social workers and they assistants.

Dr. Simona Karpavičiūtė

Arts for health researcher and creative thinker at NGO “Socialiniai meno projektai”. PhD in Biomedical sciences. Her doctoral dissertation study findings suggest, that arts activity as a workplace intervention, can be used to improve nursing staff health and well-being, help to reduce stress and fatigue, foster creativity, strengthen peer relationships and increase a sense of community at work. Simona’s subjects of professional interest include: arts for health, access to culture for vulnerable groups, the impact of arts activity/creativity on well-being and mental health, occupational well-being with the main focus on the health care staff well-being at work.

Sybille Kastner

Sybille Kastner is working as a curator for the department Art Education at the Lehmbruck Museum in Duisburg (Germany). She develops programs for all visitors with their respective needs including for people with visual impairments and people with dementia and their caregivers. She curates exhibitions with special formats which focus on particular aspects of art reception.Lectureship at the university Duisburg- Essen and university of applied science in Münster (ibk-kubia Cultural geragogues). 2012-2015 Researcher in the study "Development of a model for social participation of people with dementia in the museum space" (ISER / MSH Hamburg) .Trainings for art educators in other museums for setting up such programmes.

Chiara Lachi

Art historian and expert in museum education, she is a founding member of the cultural association L’immaginario which develops educational programmes for museums and to artistic heritage. As head of the Educational Department of the Marino Marini Museum in Florence, she is responsible for designing and coordinating all the educational activities, from schools to famiglie and access programmes; she is part of the design team and implementation of the project Art in Your Hands.

She teaches museum education in a post-graduate Master of the Institute for Art and Restoration Palazzo Spinelli (Florence) and she has the task of the course of Communication and museum education of the School of Specialization in Art History, University of Florence.

Michela Mei

Michela holds a degree in History, and she is Community Animator. Trainer in Animation Techniques for geriatric activity coordinators, trainer in communication skills with people with dementia for professionals workers in senior housing. She is part of the design and implementation team of the project With Many Voices at Palazzo Strozzi, for people with dementia; she is part of the design team and implementation of the project Art in Your Hands at the Marino Marini Museum in Florence. Geriatric activity coordinator at the residence for the elderly Villa Michelangelo, Lastra a Signa. Manages the Alzheimer’s Café at BibliotecaNova of Florence and the Alzheimer’s Café at LibriLiberi Bookshop in Florence.

Eglė Nedzinskaitė

After graduating in painting at Vilnius Academy of Arts, since 2009 works as an education curator at the National Gallery of Arts. Member of the Lithuanian Museums Association Education Section. Eglė continually attends qualification improvement programmes, organises seminars for museum professionals and exhibitions. In collaboration with partners creates and implements art workshop programmes for diverse audiences. Created and implemented Lithuanian Museums Association event “The Market of Ideas” (2015, 2016). Eglė contributed to Multisensory activity programme development in the MA&A project.

Ieva Petkutė

Cultural projects initiator, manager, curator, arts for health researcher, director of the NGO “Socialiniai meno projektai”. Cross-sectorially operating Socialiniai meno projektai implements arts projects (plays, exhibitions, performances, and creative experiments), creative arts (participatory) workshop programmes, training, arts for health research, public events that aim to promote well-being and improve the access to arts and culture for the diverse audiences.

Last modified: Tuesday, 31 October 2017, 2:46 PM