VšĮ Žmogiškųjų išteklių stebėsenos ir plėtros biuras (ŽISPB) is a non-governmental non-profit organization.
The services are provided for different target groups: victims of violence, (ex) offenders, social risk families, youth, volunteers, social workers, social partners, disabled people, etc.

Provided services include:
- development and implementation of local and international projects mostly with socially excluded target groups;
- development and accreditation of different programs for perpetrators, post-graduated social workers, social workers assistants, nurses, manages, employers, volunteers, etc.
- organization, execution and implementation of various social initiatives and activities, conferences, “round table” meetings etc. mainly in the field of working with victims of violence and perpetrators, HR management, inclusion of socially disadvantaged, vulnerable groups (e.g. victims, elderly, unemployed, disabled, etc.);
- provision of research, information, counselling (advice), external evaluation services;
- translation, interpretation services;
- provision of training.
Official website: www.zispb.lt
Last modified: Thursday, 9 November 2017, 9:36 AM