Harnessing the Arts for Wellbeing in Mental Health and Social Care
Wednesday-Thrusday, 10-11 May 2017 Siauliai, Lithuania
VšĮ Žmogiškųjų išteklių stebėsenos ir plėtros biuras as a member of Erasmus+ funded project MA&A organised a multiplier event in Šiauliai, Lithuania.
In this event we decided to focus on the social sector, thus participants we aimed at were from social care institutions, social services centres, elderly care homes, rehabilitation centres, NGOs, etc. During 7 years of existence we have established a productive collaboration network which is open to innovations adopted from different European initiatives, thus the event received quite an interest.
The first part of the event focused on sharing information, discussing about Alzheimer's and dementia, analysing video case studies since during the work on this project it was observed that specialists lack knowledge on this topic.
Another part of the day focused on trying out methods learnt during joint staff learning event in Florence in 2016 – touching the work of art, creation of the poem based on the piece of art, creation of the story based on the picture, etc.
Participants were also involved into free artistic activity at the Ebru Art Studio where a reflection with a professional was conducted afterwards.
Video from the event